Counter Terrorism Expert Says Be Proactive

A recent BIFM regional event held a seminar addressing Counter Terrorism.

At a recent BIFM regional event there was a seminar addressing a topic that has sadly come to the forefront of the news and world agenda in recent years, “Counter Terrorism.”

The theme of the event was the Terrorism Threat and how it affects business. Working in the Facilities Management sector does require a consideration of all factors when it comes to the safety of employees and your business.

The event held in Manchester included three key speakers, Karl Warmbold who is the Director of law firm, DWF. He addressed Agile Working. Karl was joined by Ben Neate, National Contracts Manager for GMS Group, he discussed the threat of terrorism from an outsourced security provider’s perspective and how the service has updated to meet the challenges of the current threat levels. Kenneth Upham who is a Counter-Terrorism Security Advisor for Greater Manchester Police also joined the panel. He covered the Terrorist Threat – where is it coming from and how it affects the UK.

Kenneth said that the biggest threat to security is believing that no threat exists. He said: “The threat to British interests in the UK from international terrorism is severe.” He noted that the threat is unlikely to disappear in the future and the key is being prepared rather than panic. He said that although Facilities Managers have the right to be suspicious, they should try to identify suspicious behaviour rather than stereotyping and judging on appearance.

Upham gave examples such as the employee whose reference does not materialise, or the person who suspiciously asks for detailed information that is not relevant to their job. Mark Whittaker, BIFM North Region deputy chair, encouraged the FM audience to take back the messages from the seminar to create awareness, rather than fear.

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