The Intersafe Difference

Intersafe has launched a refreshed brand to ensure we look as professional as the service we deliver.

Intersafe recently conducted customer research which helped us clarify exactly what makes us different from other electrical compliance contractors.

We distilled these differences into three core values; ways of working that everyone at Intersafe is 100% committed to.

Bespoke Solutions – Our Business Development Manager visits sites to ensure we fully understand the site and develop a testing plan which matches the clients’ operational requirements. This might include out of hours testing, out of term testing or testing planned to fit within scheduled maintenance period.

Quality & Expertise – Unlike other contractors Intersafe employs all our electrical engineers, we do not subcontract. This enables us to guarantee the quality and reliability of our engineers. We use the best testing equipment on the market and naturally we are accredited by all the leading industry bodies.

Making It Easy – One of the most frequently used phrases in our customer feedback is that working with Intersafe is ‘painless’. Our team communicate clearly with you, so you know when our engineers are due to arrive. They arrive on time, with the correct PPE and demonstrate flexibility to handle changes to the plan. After testing, we provide nicely formatted reports which are hosted, at no extra charge, on our cloud portal, providing easy access to client teams.

Compliance Designed For You.

Intersafe pride ourselves on delivering high quality, bespoke solutions with minimal disruption to the client and we believe our new logo ensures that we look as professional as we act.

If you need Fixed Wire TestingPAT TestingRemedial workThermal ImagingEmergency Light Testing or are interested in installing LED Lighting and would like a quote to work with us, please contact us today.

Request a quote for bespoke compliance testing Contact Intersafe