What happens if you skip emergency light testing?

What happens if you skip emergency light testing?

Emergency lighting is important in any business as it shows people where to go should there be a fire or other emergency. Here, we take a look at why it’s vital that emergency light testing is carried out when required.

What is emergency lighting?

Emergency lighting will come on quickly and automatically should there be a power supply failure. It will enable people to see how to exit the building during a fire or another emergency that requires an instant escape.

Why is emergency lighting important?

Having well-maintained, working emergency lighting in place can literally save lives, and if tests are skipped it could put people in danger. When there’s an emergency and people are plunged into darkness it can cause panic and confusion, both of which make it difficult to think clearly and make a safe and efficient escape.

A clear route signalled by emergency lighting will help individuals to keep calm and exit the building as quickly as possible. Emergency lighting is also used to illuminate fire extinguishers and other safety equipment to ensure that these items can be located easily.

What are emergency lighting tests?

An emergency lighting test will ensure that all lighting is working as it should be. Monthly tests, also known as flick tests, should be carried out by the person responsible for the building’s electrical maintenance. During this test, the main lighting is switched off to ensure that the emergency lighting comes on correctly. Not all lights need to be tested at the same time, but all findings must be logged and actions taken should anything be damaged or working incorrectly.

Every year, a duration test should be completed which ensures that the emergency lighting works correctly for the right amount of time (usually three hours). This highlights any lights that are failing and enables you to have these repaired or replaced.

If you’re looking for a qualified, reliable company to complete emergency light testing in your business premises, contact our team today! We provide full-duration emergency light testing, a full report detailing each light, and details of any faults found, giving you a thorough test and peace of mind.